Dear TYM Champion,

When you give to Today’s Youth Matter, you make a life-changing difference for people like Jasmine, Jonathan, and Gio. I am thrilled to share with you how you have changed their lives — and how you can reach even more families like them this holiday giving season to let them know they matter.

Jasmine is a single mother raising her two boys, Jonathan and Gio. She knew that they needed caring adults to invest in their lives and encourage them to excel. One of her neighbors told her about Today’s Youth Matter.

Thanks to your generosity, Jasmine was able to send Jonathan and Gio to Today’s Youth Matter summer camp in 2022 and again to this year’s camp which was our largest ever. When they came back, they shared enthusiastically how much they enjoyed it. They appreciated how the camp leaders cared about them and invested in them during their time away. They loved learning about Jesus and remembered the praise songs they learned at camp.

Jasmine took another step and enrolled Jonathan and Gio in our Thrive!-4-Kids mentoring program this past school year. The boys look forward to program activities and connecting with their coaches who are a source of trusting and encouraging relationships. Your support has provided this key resource for their academic and spiritual development.

Jasmine is committed to her family’s spiritual growth because it provides the stability they need. The family attends church regularly and were all baptized this past spring. She understands that helping kids know Jesus is what makes Today’s Youth Matter special and more than a program; TYM is an extended family. Jasmine participates in the parent enrichment programs at TYM. During her time sharing with other caregivers she found a safe place to talk about her challenges with parenting two growing boys alone. Jasmine was overwhelmed to tears when she was told she was a good mother and said, “Some days are so hard with the boys, it makes me wonder if I really am. It means so much to be told I am a good mom.”

Your generosity makes this kind of growth possible. And your generosity multiplies. The families that you invest in become leaders who model healthy, thriving lives and reach out to others. Jasmine and her boys volunteer at Today’s Youth Matter events as their way of giving back and helping others learn about TYM. They share with other families how our programs have made a difference.

Seeing how Jasmine, Jonathan, and Gio are growing and thriving inspires me. There are many struggles that kids and families face while at risk to become victims of the numerous social issues in our communities. But they have so much potential and are encouraged and reminded of it by TYM leaders. God is doing amazing things in their lives and in the lives of others like them.

That’s why I’d like to invite you to share in this important work with a special end-of-year gift.

Over the past two years, we’ve seen great progress towards our goal of serving more kids more deeply. Because of your generosity, more kids like Jonathan and Gio have caring mentors. More parents like Jasmine are finding the support they need to navigate challenges.

In my time at Today’s Youth Matter, I have become convinced of a fundamental truth: it’s all about relationships. When families and children experience genuine care over the long haul, things change. There is hope for overcoming poverty, bullying, and broken family relationships. It takes consistent investment to build trust, though.

The families we serve are used to having the odds stacked against them. Nearly 40% of households in the areas we serve rely upon food subsidized through CalFresh. Over 16,500 households required Rent Relief, and another 1,694 children experienced homelessness. There were reports of one child maltreatment case every hour in Contra Costa County over these past two years. In addition to these daunting numbers, as of July 1, 2023, there were 50,224 child welfare episodes. Our families are broken and in desperate need of support.

In the face of these challenges, Today’s Youth Matter has been investing in Bay Area youth and families for 30 years. And, that investment over time has built trust. Locals have observed our long track record and like what they see. We are poised to take great strides in 2024, with your help. I want to see this ministry impact more kids in the Bay Area. I want to see more lives transformed by God’s love.

I want to see more kids beat the odds and become the leaders I know they can be.

I believe you share this vision. Your support for Today’s Youth Matter has helped us come this far.

As you plan your end-of-year giving, will you prayerfully consider including Today’s Youth Matter?

Your generosity will help us expand our our year-round mentorship program and summer camp outreach. When you give to Today’s Youth Matter, you provide a safe space where kids and families can thrive—socially, academically, and spiritually.

When a young person has someone in their life who supports them and models Christ’s love, everything changes. We are committed to providing this at Today’s Youth Matter—with your help.

Reaching more kids more deeply is a big goal. We need your partnership to achieve that goal, to make a difference for families like Jasmine, Jonathan, and Gio. May we count on you to make a lasting investment in Bay Area families?

We are delighted by God’s provision of a long-time donor who has boldly put forth a challenge grant of $25,000. All new and increased gifts will be matched dollar for dollar! Would you prayerfully consider increasing your gift this year to $65 or more, knowing that every additional dollar you give will be matched to double your impact? Your contribution will enable us to care for more families like Jonathan and Gio and their mother Jasmine.

With deepest gratitude,

Marshelle A. Wilburn
Executive Director

P.S. Your generosity has big ripple effects, now and into the future. The kids and families you reach through Today’s Youth Matter become leaders who reach out to others. Your giving multiplies in strategic ways impacting the lives of children, families, and communities

Your generosity is changing lives
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